Monday, January 6, 2014

Toddler Times Bucket List {January}

So I have a board on Pinterest titled "Toddler Times" and I pin, and pin, and pin with hardly ever referring back to what I pinned.  Since I will have more time this year (I've decided I will not be sewing/working like I did in 2013) to do activities with B. I think we need some kind of a bucket list. 

There are soooo many great ideas out there, but my child puts everything, I mean everything in his mouth so that basically means most things I won't even try because not only will he put it in his mouth, he will shallow it if small enough!!!!!

Being the list person I am, here goes a few items for the month of January...

- Bubble bath toy car wash.  Bubbles are requested on a nightly basis so I think B would love this!!
Pin it!
- Fishing Game.  It's supposed to be matching but I think we're a little young for that (even though I will help him find the matching ones, we are more into just play rather than teaching ;)
Pin it!
- Painters tape jumping course.  Easy and perfect for a little boy who loves to run, jump, and roll.  Great for during this nasty, cold weather we are having.

- Colander and pipe cleaners

- Popsicle sticks shapes activity

- Sticky Sheep activity
- Lamb crafts, perfect for Easter (this whole website has some adorable kid crafts)

I am going to try to do a few of these this month and see how it goes.  Wish us luck!

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